Rural Market Day

    This is a trip that will show you the practices beyond the local city life. You will be able to see firsthand how local markets have been happening in Africa for a long time with only difference in conducting business being instead of batter trade, a currency in the form of money is used instead. These types of markets are common across most parts of East Africa and don’t happen every day. Farmers and traders bring their products to the market and do business only once a week – in this case on Fridays. One of the highlights of this trip is the Maasai (famous pastoral community/tribe of the area) BBQ style of setting a bonfire and putting meat around it in huge skewers.

    This is a trip that offers so much but one has to have a very open mind towards witnessing other people’s culture without feeling uncomfortable or making the locals feel uncomfortable. We should also say that no one that has been to the animal market since we made it an attraction or activity to offer has given a negative feedback online or physically. The animal market is not just for animal but house supplies, groceries, clothing, electrical devices and more.